Young Writers Anthology 2016



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Alejo, Bello, Camela, Fernández, Mora,...,Zambrano, (2016) Literary Anthology 2016. Instituto Mexicano Madero plantel Zavaleta Bachillerato. Obtenido de la fuente:
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The present work gives the students the chance to express themselves, promoting writing for enjoyment and generating a sense of pride in creating something unique. It is important to mention that most young people are not used to reading, instead they are deeply involved in technology. Reading depends of extended periods of concentration, which are not required by web surfing activities, where adolescents do not require of any mental effort at all, therefore reading is considered both boring and unproductive. Some teenagers are not fond of reading for pleasure, (except when they are attached to an electronic device) they only read when it is mandatory. However, this Anthology displays the inner talent of good writers who undoubtedly have been avid readers. They have immersed themselves in an ocean of words; lexical background that enables them to go beyond their own expectations…and reading has awaken their desire to write. Young writers, the ones who stand out from the rest of the students have “that something” not easily found or acquired. For instance, all of us experience emotions, although just a few can accurately identify them as they appear. “That something” is known as qualities, such as: 4  to be patient in the presence of their own thoughts  to find the right words  to give shape to the pictures they have in their heart, mind and soul  to give attention to details  to link details to feelings and emotions Just to mention a few. Apart from having “that something”; enthusiasm, creativity, and the time devoted to catch inspiration are also vital when the passion to create something arises, and the more intense the passion, the better the writing will be. The 2016 juvenile authors have shown determination and bravery not only for fulfilling their goals but also for being the target of the ones who are not in the same path with worthless opinions and judgements when publishing their own creations. Congratulations to the Young Writers who didn’t give up and made this Anthology a proof of their true willingness and talent. “Talent will get you through the door, but character will keep you in the room.” Anonymous Nefertiti Gonzàlez Valdez


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