Antologías literarias IMMC

URI permanente para esta colección

Conjunto de cuentos escritos por niños y adolescentes de nivel primaria, secundaria y bachillerato, del IMM plantel centro. Desarrollando sus habilidades de expresión escrita plasmando sus pensamientos y sentimientos.


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  • Young Writers 2019
    (IMM Bachillerato Centro, 2019-10-20) Aguilar López, Arantza; Aguilar Moreno, Jorge; Aristil Sánchez, Sherly; Barraza Padua, José Ricardo; Cabrera Landero, José Eduardo; Cabrera Landero, Víctor Manuel; Camacho Serrano, Alejandra; Camberos Domínguez, Nohemi; Cantero Salazar, María Fernanda; Castelán Martínez, Santiago; Chang Cabrera, Arum; Cisneros Ramírez, Zamar; Esma Cruz, Elias Alejandro; Esquivel González, María Fernanda; Flores Cevada, Oscar Ángel; Galán Arce, Omar; Gómez Herrera, Joshua Manuel; González Rodríguez, Isabel; Hernández Rosales, Valeria; Laguna Ramírez, Iñaki; López Flores, Diego; Márquez Torres, Ana Karen; Martínez Fuentes, Fátima Paola; Mena Marcello, Farhana; Méndez Santellán, José Manuel; Miranda Reyes, Venedig; Molina Hernández, Jimena; Moreno Carmona, Kevin; Muñoz Ahuatzin, Ximena; Orduña Rodríguez, Mariel; Percastegui Muñoz, Galilea Ivette; Pineda Reyes, Leonardo; Ramírez Tobón, Jacob; Revuelta Pérez, Fernanda; Reyez Portillo, Ximena; Rossainz Becerril, Mildred; Rubalcaba Silva, Aranza Izel; Sánchez Camacho, Paula Giulianna; Serrano García, Giovanna; Solis Gómez, Eric Javier; Tolama Rojas, Polette; Urbina Hernández, Zachiel; Vázquez Rodríguez, Dira Zuriel
    This anthology represents the diversity in: literatura, topics, ways of addressing those topics, and finally, the diversity in our school. In these present times, takin into account the vast richness of humanity is crucial to understand the complex world we live in, and build new ways of coexisting
  • Jóvenes Escritores 2019, Antología Literaria
    (IMM Bachillerato Plantel Centro, 2019-10-20) Rodríguez Sánchez, Yatzil; Schiaffini García, Aranza del Pilar; Vázquez Espinoza, Daniel Alejandro; Hernández Gayosso, Aidé; Laguna Ramírez, Iñaki; Santibáñez Ramírez, Arturo; Aguilar Cuautle, Ana Paulina; Fajardo Rodríguez, Alejandra; Flores Jiménez, Graciela Amairany; Terrazas Flores, Ximena; Castelán Martínez, Santiago; Cisneros Ramírez, Zamar; Hernández Méndez, Brisa Jeanette; López Flores, Diego; Meneses Flores, Ahtziry; Miranda Reyes, Venedig; Orduña Rodríguez, Mariel; Pineda Reyes, Leonardo; Revuelta Pérez, Fernanda; Reyes Portillo, Ximena; Valencia Martell, María Fernanda; Gómez Herrera, Joshua Manuel; Esquivel González, María Fernanda; Urbina Hernández, Zachiel
    El contenido de esta antología está conformada principalmente por escritos que durante el ciclo escolar 2018-2019 se realizó en las materias de Taller de Lectura y Redacción y Literatura impartidas por la Mtra. María Cristina León Munguía. Los géneros literarios presentes en la antología son: cuento, poesía, discursos y monólogos.
  • Young Writers Anthology 2017
    (IMMCB, 2017-07-20) Bretón I., Elisa; Corona P., Joshua; Cortés Q., María Fernanda; Gómez M., Aranzazú; Guzmán C., Laura Daniela; Montes P., Jorge Adrián; Rodríguez R., Víctor Daniel; Zambrano B., Andrea Alicia; Mtra. Ana Elizabeth Zepeda Díaz
    Prologue Writing is an art in which the blend of imagination, emotions, beliefs, and experiences are not easy to convey but the passion and willingness have surely overcome the struggles and battles each student might have faced when they decided o write their work. Through composing, no matter the length nor the genre, young writers have proven that setting a goal, having inspiration, displaying courage, awakening creativity, playing with words in order to get a message across, ideas and thoughts, are the basic constituents to achieve what they pursued without hesitation or fear to be criticized: their own masterpiece. Moreover, through accepting the invitation to be a "Young Writer", every composer has had the opportunity to identify one of their many gifts; now it is up to them to be disciplined to develop that inner talent. The present work gives the students the chance to express themselves, promoting writing for enjoyment and generating a sense of pride in creating something unique. This Anthology displays the inner talent of good writers who undoubtedly have been avid readers. They have immersed themselves in an ocean of words; a lexical background that enables them to go beyond their own expectations and without a doubt reading has awakened their desire to write. Young writers, the ones who stand out from the rest of the students have the courage, enthusiasm, creativity, and the talent to catch inspiration to create the stories, letters, poems and the most exciting pieces of writing that this anthology holds. The 2017 Young Writers show determination and courage, this compilation will be from now the inspiration for the generations still to come; it will last forever on the shelves of our library but above all in the hearts and minds of readers and Young Writers. Congratulations to those who didn't give up and made this Anthology a proof of their true willingness and talent. Prof. Juan Manuel Molina Campos
  • Jóvenes Escritores 2017 Antología
    (Instituto Mexicano Madero plantel Centro Bachillerato, 2017-06-30) Arguelles F., Valeria; Brenes S., Mariana; Bretón I., Elisa; Canché B., David; Corona P., Joshua; Cortés Q., María Fernanda; Espinoza A., Ernesto; García L., José Mauricio; Gómez M., Aranzazú; Guzmán C., Laura Daniela; Huitzil C., Erika Guadalupe; Jiménez T., Maribel; López G., Andrea; López V., Perla Abigail; Majul A., Said Eduardo; Márquez M., Ana Rubí; Mena M., Farhana; Montes P., Jorge Adrián; Montiel X., Kevin; Ortega J., Carmen Leilani; Rivera S., Rebeca; Rodríguez H., Diana; Rosas G., Sofía; Sánchez C., Sara Lucía; Urbina H., Zachiel; Valiente T., Edgar Alan; Zambrano B., Andrea Alicia
    PRÓLOGO: Una variedad de personajes, un sinfín de tiempos, diversos ambientes, magia en los géneros literarios… todo en esta gran Antología. Una vez que la abres llega ante ti el encanto de sus bellas páginas y la sutil fantasía e imaginación de sus jóvenes escritores. ¿Realidad o fantasía? ¿Sueños o imaginación? ¿Miedo o alegría? Palabras, ideas, señales, mensajes… algo que los jóvenes escritores comparten. Descubre la disposición de cada texto, porque cada uno de ellos muestra cierta curiosidad y un afán incesante de crear y recrear lugares, ambientes, momentos, voces, personajes… todo ante nuestro ojos; dispuesto a ser leído, esperando una respuesta tal vez de aceptación o de rechazo, tratando de causar tristeza o alegría, pero finalmente lograr su propósito: ser leído. El propio lector decide, expresa su crítica, elige un recorrido, se anima a leer, da un vistazo a distintos momentos y descubre los efectos y sentimientos en cada historia, verso, diálogo, etc. En esta juvenil Antología, se expresa la más sincera invitación: “Leer seleccionando, leer participando, leer disfrutando…” Todo gran lector sabe que un libro encierra siempre algo nuevo que descubrir. Ven, te invito, sé el primero en disfrutar la magia que nos ofrecen sus jóvenes escritores. Silvia Josefina García Garrido
  • Literary Anthology 2016 IMMC
    (IMM centro, 2016-06-01) Corona, Joshua.; Gómez, Aranzazú; Mata, Eva.; Rodríguez, Víctor.; Bretón, Elisa.; Espinosa, Ernesto.; Villalobos, Eduardo.
    Compiling a collection of relevant pieces of writing might be an easy task but it takes passion, devotion, encouragement, and motivation to gather pieces of work which have been written from the bottom of the heart. It’s an honour to write the presentation of this anthology; along this year a group of students from high school have given away their time and talent and now they want to share part of their inspiration. I would like to recognize the Young Writers who took part in this project, without their commitment this compilation wouldn’t have been possible, needless to mention the guidance and encouragement they had from the present and past teachers who once sowed the seed of hard work and inspired devoted students who now have turned into Young Writers. In a constantly changing world where the new technologies are slowly taking over old practices, life style has changed drastically. In the last decade, the speed of evolution regarding technology seems to advance at an incredible pace. Computers and gadgets along with social networks have bombarded the last generations with a number of applications which simplify tasks. The term digital native is becoming more and more popular among educators who are mostly digital immigrants and find hard if not impossible to d 5 persuade XXI century students to keep on writing. I personally believe that writing is a skill which has decayed in the last years. Despite the obstacles teachers might find along their way, it is a pleasure to see that XXI century students still love poetry, literature, and any way in which the can express part of their inspiration. I am totally sure that every single word printed in this document will transmit the power it has been given to convey the thoughts of its author. I feel so proud as well to be the one to introduce this piece of work which has been written by high-school students. On behalf of Instituto Mexicano Madero, I really hope you enjoy this Anthology written by the best Young Writers. Juan Manuel Molina Campos June 2016
Cita adecuadamente al autor, en caso de ser referido.