Compilación: John Wesley y la Educación
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Recopilación de la obra del Predicador Metodista Inglés John Wesley
Examinando Compilación: John Wesley y la Educación por Materia "Metodismo"
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Ítem Consideraciones acerca de la bibliografía de metodismo en México(1985) Rubén Ruiz GuerraEvaluación de las fuentes que permiten analizar la historia del metodismo en México; sugerencias para su utilización. Destaca el desarrollo paralelo de este grupo protestante con el devenir nacional.Ítem Doctrina Metodista: los fundamentos(2012) Ted. A. CampbellÍtem La experiencia del corazón ardiente de Juan Wesley(2015) Juan G. FelicianoÍtem John Wesley(1964) John Wesley A. C . OutlerUna figura importante en el cristianismo del siglo XVIII, John Wesley buscó combinar los elementos esenciales de las tradiciones católica y evangélica y restaurar a los laicos un papel vital en la vida de la iglesia. Comenzó uno de los movimientos más dinámicos de la historia del protestantismo moderno, un movimiento que finalmente produjo las iglesias metodistas. Este volumen ofrece una selección representativa de escritos teológicos de Wesley e incluye introducciones y notas al pie de página de orientación histórica que indican las fuentes bíblicas, patrísticas y anglicanas de Wesley. (* Comunidad Madero *)Ítem Laicidad y pluralidad religiosa temprana. Los metodistas y el estado laico en la década de 1880(2015) Paula SeiguerThis article focuses on the performance of Argentine Methodists in a critical period, that of the 1880s, when the debate on secularism of state institutions brought the religious question to the forefront and Methodists made an effort to become spokespersons of an active and visible Protestant minority. It postulates that Protestant presence throughout the nineteenth century, and especially Methodist militancy in the 1880s, are essential for understanding the early plural conformation of the Argentine religious field and the characteristics of its particular brand of laicity.Ítem Lucha metodista por la templanza en Estados Unidos y México, 1873–1892(2010) Xeitl Ulises Alvarado LópezThis article focuses on late 19th cen tury methodists. It stresses the fact that methodists in both the US and Mexico strove to combat alcoholism. In the quest for Christian perfection, they originated social movements in favor of temperance, whose impact on the rest of their societies differed according to their national contexts.Ítem El metodismo y su método: La “reunión de clase”(2014) Romero, Gustavo DanielÍtem Mujeres metodistas en León, Guanajuato - México(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2017) Mazariegos Herrera, Hilda María Cristina"The objective of this essay is to reflect on the Methodist feminine leadership in the city of León, in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico, identifying the mechanisms that women construct in order to manage and harness greater room for action and recognition within their church. Guanajuato is a state situated in the center west of Mexico, characterized by a strong catholic conservatism, in which protestant groups have had to adapt their evangelizing ways. Such is the case of Methodist women, who carry out a “leadership in movement”, since, regardless of the place they occupy in the ecclesiastic hierarchy, they transcend the norms and the religious discourse on what the feminine “should be”, establishing evangelization strategies linked to the management of their emotions, through which they show the inequalities that they experience, both inside and outside their church. Spatial mobility was important in order to understand their participation, so it was necessary to resort to a methodology that would allow me to account for the scope of the female Methodist activity, such as multisited ethnography. This enabled different dimensions of observation, adding to the analysis a macro and micro vision of the Methodist women's leadership in León, Guanajuato, Mexico."Ítem Obras de Wesely. Tomo XI: Diarios. Tomo I(Biblioteca Wesleyana Digital, 1996) González, Justo L.Ítem Obras de Wesley. Tomo VI: Defensa del metodismo(Biblioteca Wesleyana Digital, 1996) González, Justo L.Ítem Obras de Wesley. Tomo VII: La vida cristiana(Biblioteca Wesleyana Digital, 1996) González, Justo L.Ítem Obras de Wesley. Tomo XII: Diarios. Tomo II(Biblioteca Wesleyana Digital, 1996) González, Justo L.Ítem Protestantismo y movimiento liberal. La iglesia metodista de El Divino Salvador en Pachuca (Hidalgo, México)Héctor García EscorzaThe temple The Divine Savior of the Methodist Church of Mexico (1901), was the regional center of that religious association, from where the missionaries and the new citizens required by the liberal republic left. Sui generis from its origin, this Church composed of descendants of English and Mexicans, built a unique temple of two levels: two similar sanctuaries for simultaneous use of their congregants. Pachuca was a bastion of the Mexican liberal movement in the nineteenth century, supported by the Methodist congregation of El Divino Salvador and its schools, whose location is significant, by sharing the most notable public space in the city with the main Roman Catholic temple. From this congregation and its schools have emerged new temples and countless characters, prominent builders of the new society of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.